Friday, January 9, 2015


In the middle of the 17th century, many families came into the United States for financial and religious reasons. One French family came among them, few brothers who were fisherman first resided in Canada and moved to Maine. Once one of the brothers was in hardship and not feeling well due to the lack of work. One morning he got up to go fish, as soon as he got into his canoe he fell asleep. The wind and tides took his boat to the Atlantic Ocean. 
By the time he got up, his boat was in the eye of a mini hurricane and eventually broke apart. Both went underwater. He soon found a piece of wood and began floating on it. Hungry, sick and tired he floated on the raft wondering when he would pass away. In his dizziness he saw a light that looked like a human being. This light was trying to wake him up but he was too dizzy to recognize it. After a day and a half of floating he came upon a beach not far from Portland Maine. Someone at beach give him food, water and blanket assuming he was homeless and devastated. He walked around town and soon realized he wasn’t far from his home. 
Tim lone Wolfe , who worked for me at The Corner Store was part of Native American tribe of New Town Maine had mentioned this story, of a Frenchman. His story reminds us that miracles happen everyday in life. The light guides us and shows us directions but many times we do not realize due to lack of trust.
Within few days after Tim’s story I had to open Adam’s Market, a store in Forestville with Tim and David.Early in the morning in the month of October at the front doorsteps I noticed a dead honey bee frozen due to frost. I picked the bee and brought in carefully and placed on top of the register. Soon Tim and David walked in to rearrange store fixture told them about the frozen bee on top of the register and to be careful when taking a customer. 
We got busy working taking customers and drinking coffee. After couple of hours Tim noticed the honey bee wasn’t there. The bee was flying around the store. Seeing this we were happy and opened both doors of the store to let her out to liberty. We started talking about life, an amazing journey and about the Fisherman of Maine who lived to be 90 years. Over the years many people come in ones life but few who are special due to their intelligence.
Paul Cyr is one of those people ,a True American and Veteran who would help people without any personal interest or benefit. Paul, David, and Tim and many like them live around us, all around earth they live very simple life but contribute great wisdom to the cycle of life and knowledge. Since I was kid I have noticed many mini stories of small miracles unfolding. It is my habit to write them down for those who believe.
God particles are at work from the beginning of our universe and humanity some people call them Higgs particle we call them light of knowledge in the language of Rabi. Nature is the pipeline to understand beautiful miracles that unfolds every morning a fresh begging based of physics, chemistry and biology.
Every day I pray to the heavenly light. Today I asked after prayer what is life and death?
The answer came, two dimensions of one life.
Written By Ajmal Mehdi
The People Party of Connecticut 
Since I sign The Patriot Act I went into Depression and Crises after crises until this Day. Freedom is the light and restrictions on a mind is like living in a Jail. Well we learn with the Experience and hope for the compensation of my time.
God Bless America .....mehdi 
Sent from The People Party
The People Party is a Minor Political party in the Constitution State of Connecticut for domestic tranquility for common Americans. Please join Us

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