Thursday, May 29, 2008

The False विटनेस

The False Witness
It is time to determine the unique pattern of the person who's identity was "The taxi driver". The spider web of WMD that was spun by the special media with the allied nations was based on witness. Human nature is a mental process of desire for more Therefore, desire of wealth, health; power, peace and fame are the process of the Supreme Being to keep humanity in struggle of never ending desire.The test of wish is based on ancient rule of justice by the act of granting it for the benefit of humanity. The unique loops of memory are pulled from human brain by the angles of supreme beings to see desire and devotions for the mission. The pain that is contributing in the chain of humanity is that the system of false witness by the citizen of the allied nations. It is time for the United Nation to legislate more laws for Genève agreement in the light of their own welfare and if possible for humanity, truth and honesty. The doctrine of humanity is very clear that exploiting power in an ugly way no meter who is that is wrong and nonsense. Knowledge is the only source toward establishing basic philosophy of liberty and justice by showing mutual love and confidence in Human race. We all know that stone falls to the ground if the support on which it was sitting is pulled from underneath it. The main cause of the entire problem in this world is the truth and the true knowledge.

When someone honest writes a book "What Happened” to prove something it is called delusion and the same product gets new name and introduced by some privileged member of power called illusion. Thus, Human faith members respect them who are true Americans and honest. We know that Supreme beings did not create any enemy for human beings. The real source of illness which is driving humanity into a long struggle in the educational, ideological and political fields is the state of denial from common sense. It seems that some are in struggle to prove their loyalty to special interest instead they should be struggling to find correct diagnosis of the illness which is truth and honesty. It is time to realize the truth that we all have trust in GOD and have faith in Humanity. Human faith would like to request from all these dictators, kings, monarchies, army chiefs, organization, government officials, presidents, vice presidents and religious leaders to sacrifice selfishness for humanity before unique loops of memory are changed by the angles of God. We believe that one day God will bless United Nation good leader with gift of honesty and tongue for the truth .The festival of life can be celebrated with wisdom of human faith knowledge once we realize that we are part of the human race. It advocates spiritual and moral principles on very high scales for the longest term in human history. Human faith is Abraham's monotheistic faith and knows that God is the creator and overseer of the universe at all the time and all loops. It is time to adopting true faith and educates mankind in accordance with International principle of life and they are nine affirmation of human faith.

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