Saturday, December 5, 2015
The People Party of Connecticut
We believe in freedom of the press and object to media censorship. We believe we have the responsibility to stay informed and the right to have resources for this available without restrictions.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
We would like to invite all Hindus and Buddhists to join the monotheistic Abrahamic faith. Open to public at the public libraries of New England U.S.A
1. Deuteronomy 4:35,39 — Unto thee it was shown, that thou mightiest know that the LORD he is Rab; there is none else beside him. (39) Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.
Meeting schedules and locations please call or email
Sincerely ,
Ajmal Mehdi
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
The Teacher
Insan (man) through his nature knows without any doubt that no nation, society , city and family can continue to subsist without a teacher who rolls the wheel of the culture in a motion and guide each individual to perform duties. Without such a teacher the part of the society becomes dispersed and confusion and disorder takes over. Therefore that he who is the true teacher of the society wheatear it be tall or small, black or white, father or son, male or female is interested in teaching pure knowledge will appoint a successor for the time if he is absent from his functions. He will never abandon the domain of knowledge.
For example in our family Prophet Abraham has given that social order to Ismael and Isaac under two different tribes in which Prophet Mohammed with Ali Ibn Abi Talib. Our primordial nature does not doubt the importance and values of the fact that the creation of society and teaching depends on a set of common regulations with customs. The existence and continuation of any society depends upon a just Government which support the founding fathers knowledge. We learn from previous history that it is not necessary for the father to be present among us but the existence of the teacher who is responsible of just society and true guardian of divine journey of human life.
A society can never be without the teacher whether he is recognized or unknown. In order to understand teacher or teaching we must understand to few monotheistic religions that the Soul means attaining real and eternal happiness even misery, felicity or wretchedness , is by means of good or bad actions which we come to recognize through the instructions of books and languages. The instructions of nature and its intelligence according to time. The divine relations of the master and servant , ruler and ruled , teacher and children's , rewards and punishments do not exist outside from this social loop. Man is like a child who is being trained from the instructions of the teacher time to time. The child hears nothing but do,s and don't doesn't understand the meaning of the actions yet when he grows up virtuous mental and spiritual habits attained inwards during the teaching. Now he/ she is able to have a happy and healthy social life with dignity.
It is necessary for teachers to reform themselves and organize properly in order to produce knowledge. So the future children’s will not stumble along their path of life. The idols of money, color and sex are the largest idols in 21st century educational system they must come down in order to understand humanity and spirituality.
Written by Ajmal Mehdi
A responsible Citizen of State and Country
The people party of Connecticut
American Minorities Alliance
Insan (man) through his nature knows without any doubt that no nation, society , city and family can continue to subsist without a teacher who rolls the wheel of the culture in a motion and guide each individual to perform duties. Without such a teacher the part of the society becomes dispersed and confusion and disorder takes over. Therefore that he who is the true teacher of the society wheatear it be tall or small, black or white, father or son, male or female is interested in teaching pure knowledge will appoint a successor for the time if he is absent from his functions. He will never abandon the domain of knowledge.
For example in our family Prophet Abraham has given that social order to Ismael and Isaac under two different tribes in which Prophet Mohammed with Ali Ibn Abi Talib. Our primordial nature does not doubt the importance and values of the fact that the creation of society and teaching depends on a set of common regulations with customs. The existence and continuation of any society depends upon a just Government which support the founding fathers knowledge. We learn from previous history that it is not necessary for the father to be present among us but the existence of the teacher who is responsible of just society and true guardian of divine journey of human life.
A society can never be without the teacher whether he is recognized or unknown. In order to understand teacher or teaching we must understand to few monotheistic religions that the Soul means attaining real and eternal happiness even misery, felicity or wretchedness , is by means of good or bad actions which we come to recognize through the instructions of books and languages. The instructions of nature and its intelligence according to time. The divine relations of the master and servant , ruler and ruled , teacher and children's , rewards and punishments do not exist outside from this social loop. Man is like a child who is being trained from the instructions of the teacher time to time. The child hears nothing but do,s and don't doesn't understand the meaning of the actions yet when he grows up virtuous mental and spiritual habits attained inwards during the teaching. Now he/ she is able to have a happy and healthy social life with dignity.
It is necessary for teachers to reform themselves and organize properly in order to produce knowledge. So the future children’s will not stumble along their path of life. The idols of money, color and sex are the largest idols in 21st century educational system they must come down in order to understand humanity and spirituality.
Written by Ajmal Mehdi
A responsible Citizen of State and Country
The people party of Connecticut
American Minorities Alliance
The Freedom of Information Laws
Upgrade III
It is not permissible, to apply the law of one group of people to another group who differ in level of understanding, because the law will not suit their state of thinking and will not Latch their customs and traditional habits. Otherwise, order among the second group will be disturbed, their path toward good sense will be obscured, and the road to understanding will be closed before them the courant condition of many countries is lack of basic understanding of nature. They will consider the correct to be invalid and the right to be wrong. They will pervert the application of these laws, change 'them, and put others in their place, so that what is a cure for others will become a disease for them. This is because of short-sightedness on their part and ignorance of what these laws were intended to accomplish, what motivated them, and what made them necessary. Need is the guiding master, true leader and the first teacher. When people properly recognize need, they strive to fulfill it.
They are restricted by it, and do not go against its dictates and prescriptions. If the institution of laws within a nation is motivated by its need for them according to 2016, it will not contravene them simply because of circumstances. However, people who were not induced by need to institute such laws do not consider them among life's fundamental necessities. They are not to be blamed for discarding such laws, and demanding that they abide by such laws would impose an impossibly difficult obligation. It is more appropriate for them to learn first what the need is, so that they might be equal with others in their level of knowledge and united with them in the consequences of confusion.
For example every law abiding American Citizen have right to access to Government information as it is defined and protected by the constitution which is not true. The people party Supreme Court Case 11-768 and CHRO Hartford case request was sent to Federal Government and (FOIA) for basic information but didn't received any response. Our Constitution State has it under the name of (FOIA) freedom of information Act of 1975 listed in Title 1, Chap 14 of our General Statues. The instruction are very clear how to obtain public records in ( Chap 14 Sec 1-12) this Act applies to the local Government and all three branches of State Government due to be updated according to the villages, towns and cities which are differ in level of understand and rules.
The (FOIA ) freedom of information Law is the most important part of any democracy to understand level of knowledge in many Governments around the Globe. Many developing countries are fallowing our system to enhance freedom are moving forward. All democratic nations have nine or seven member Commission based on regional languages and diverse Minorities with half members are women's to uplift Justice. Oaths and Statutes are authorize Commission to investigate all alleged violations regrades to public and Government information. The Freedom of Information departments are not part of Court system in regards to appeals and for statues of limitations for Women, Children's and serious matters.
Privacy of trade, exams, license , safety , Security are kept extremely secrets with Oath of members. Executive directors have responsibility to control bribes, favors and political influence of public and Government employees. Notice of appeal can be file in 180 days to enhance Justice in many countries. The purpose of instituting laws is to prevent that which disturbs order, disrupts the structure of society, banns individual interests, and detracts from public welfare. If laws do not serve this purpose, then they are but empty burdens thrown on the shoulders of the people. Indeed, we should see them as merely widening the sphere of corruption and increasing instances of injustice. Perhaps The Patriot Act is the clear violation of instituting law that forced me to give up my freedom and caused sickness and fear of Government and Banks who were behind The Freedom of information to control America the land of the free and home of the brave.
Written by Ajmal Mehdi
A responsible Citizen of State and Country
The people party of Connecticut
American Minorities Alliance
निराली शाह,
न्यू जर्सी,
पोपले party
The office of Government Accountability
Since the conditions of nations depend on their collective stores of information and knowledge, and the two are related in terms of cause and effect, each democracy adopts rules for its activities and chooses laws for its circumstances in accordance with its power of theoretical investigation and its level of thought. In our American constitution it was mention that after 1776 laws must be updated within 100 years from the 13th amendment of the constitution. It was legislatures responsibility to diversify political powers from Dualism. For example the five members of the State Election Commission should not be politically appointed and shall be Seven members. The term of commission of 4 years would help full term. The Executive management is responsible of hiring staff that must be Private Citizens who are not part of any Union. Under the Sec 9-7c (b) legislatures duties are to make sure (SEEC) staff is not affiliated to any particular major party for the conflict of interest. The Legislators shall not have authority to increase or decrease its budget in favor of Dualism in order to protect commission from finical hardship and worries.
It's private Citizen civic duty to provides a chance to ascend to a higher level of rational examination and a more elevated plane of thought to uplift democracy. The people party of Connecticut members and myself argues many issues in local libraries for better change.
Constitution State is an example for many democracies by providing future direction of democracy. Recently in 2011 Governor created a new umbrella agency The office of Government Accountability (OGA) which is in-charge of nine oversight agencies. The three are the most important ones are The freedom of information Commission, The ethics and of course SEEC. Perhaps a positive step to clean elections and activities to diversify ideologies. This OGA office must be free from all influence except honesty.
Perhaps laws are the basis of activities organized properly to produce manifest benefit, the results of theoretical inquiry, and the outcome of intellectual investigation, the laws of each sovereign State correspond to its level in understanding of knowledge and creator laws vary in accordance with State 'varying levels of knowledge, or the lack thereof.
Written by Ajmal Mehdi
A responsible Citizen of State and Country
The people party of Connecticut
American Minorities Alliance
Since the conditions of nations depend on their collective stores of information and knowledge, and the two are related in terms of cause and effect, each democracy adopts rules for its activities and chooses laws for its circumstances in accordance with its power of theoretical investigation and its level of thought. In our American constitution it was mention that after 1776 laws must be updated within 100 years from the 13th amendment of the constitution. It was legislatures responsibility to diversify political powers from Dualism. For example the five members of the State Election Commission should not be politically appointed and shall be Seven members. The term of commission of 4 years would help full term. The Executive management is responsible of hiring staff that must be Private Citizens who are not part of any Union. Under the Sec 9-7c (b) legislatures duties are to make sure (SEEC) staff is not affiliated to any particular major party for the conflict of interest. The Legislators shall not have authority to increase or decrease its budget in favor of Dualism in order to protect commission from finical hardship and worries.
It's private Citizen civic duty to provides a chance to ascend to a higher level of rational examination and a more elevated plane of thought to uplift democracy. The people party of Connecticut members and myself argues many issues in local libraries for better change.
Constitution State is an example for many democracies by providing future direction of democracy. Recently in 2011 Governor created a new umbrella agency The office of Government Accountability (OGA) which is in-charge of nine oversight agencies. The three are the most important ones are The freedom of information Commission, The ethics and of course SEEC. Perhaps a positive step to clean elections and activities to diversify ideologies. This OGA office must be free from all influence except honesty.
Perhaps laws are the basis of activities organized properly to produce manifest benefit, the results of theoretical inquiry, and the outcome of intellectual investigation, the laws of each sovereign State correspond to its level in understanding of knowledge and creator laws vary in accordance with State 'varying levels of knowledge, or the lack thereof.
Written by Ajmal Mehdi
A responsible Citizen of State and Country
The people party of Connecticut
American Minorities Alliance
State Election Commission
American higher law making process has become the black swan of Democracy in which minor political voices are pushed on a side from the constitutional republic of America. Many laws that have been in common used in our democracy are insufficient, too general and written in unclear style in favor of dualism, Nor they are easy to understand by common people . The people party of Connecticut have been trying to upgrade charters and confused laws to improve democracy since 2003. Recently in our political discussion in library the issue of independent oversight entity law which was created in 1974 by SEEC was pin points and due to be updated.
According to the law A five person supposed to be bipartisan State Election Enforcement Commission ( SEEC) agency created in 1974. This agency is responsible of upgrading basic voting rules, monitoring, investigating and issues of violations of laws according to the General Statutes ( C.G.S) title a, chap 141, Sec 9-7a and 9-7b of 1974. Since time have changed this laws due to be upgraded, a seven member in which five of whom shall not be affiliated with any major political party. The seven members team shall debate and uplift charters of many towns and cities who are left behind in democratic process.
On the matter of composition of members according to the Sec 9-7a same Seven members shall be responsible to distribute the appointments equally among the minority leaders of the house of Representative as well as Pro-Temp ore of the Senate with Governor. This law will enhance Democracy if five members from seven shall be independent in order to truly oversight elections. It is necessary to reform this obvious flaw in our democratic system, which has deprived people of their rights and minor political parties. The laws should suit the conditions of the time and their level of comprehension, enabling them to understand the laws and abide by their requirements of 21 century democracy.
Written by Ajmal Mehdi
A responsible Citizen of State and Country
The people party of Connecticut
American Minorities Alliance
American higher law making process has become the black swan of Democracy in which minor political voices are pushed on a side from the constitutional republic of America. Many laws that have been in common used in our democracy are insufficient, too general and written in unclear style in favor of dualism, Nor they are easy to understand by common people . The people party of Connecticut have been trying to upgrade charters and confused laws to improve democracy since 2003. Recently in our political discussion in library the issue of independent oversight entity law which was created in 1974 by SEEC was pin points and due to be updated.
According to the law A five person supposed to be bipartisan State Election Enforcement Commission ( SEEC) agency created in 1974. This agency is responsible of upgrading basic voting rules, monitoring, investigating and issues of violations of laws according to the General Statutes ( C.G.S) title a, chap 141, Sec 9-7a and 9-7b of 1974. Since time have changed this laws due to be upgraded, a seven member in which five of whom shall not be affiliated with any major political party. The seven members team shall debate and uplift charters of many towns and cities who are left behind in democratic process.
On the matter of composition of members according to the Sec 9-7a same Seven members shall be responsible to distribute the appointments equally among the minority leaders of the house of Representative as well as Pro-Temp ore of the Senate with Governor. This law will enhance Democracy if five members from seven shall be independent in order to truly oversight elections. It is necessary to reform this obvious flaw in our democratic system, which has deprived people of their rights and minor political parties. The laws should suit the conditions of the time and their level of comprehension, enabling them to understand the laws and abide by their requirements of 21 century democracy.
Written by Ajmal Mehdi
A responsible Citizen of State and Country
The people party of Connecticut
American Minorities Alliance
The Ethics
Democracy never advances unless it has the Pen of Moses that came to us by inheritance of a transparent law. Law explains that there are no fixtures in nature, its fluid and volatile basic customs. The law improves according to nature, step by step. The steps are our actions and new direction is power, sometimes results are threatened and judged by the people for the people. Yet that pure democracy, by which I mean as an example society consisting of diverse conscious citizens with all languages to improve Ethics..
Perhaps America from national, State and municipal with its all branches and departments are almost free from corruption due to the Ethics.
Connecticut ethical issue was to allow minor political parties to receive assistance from Citizens elections Program. As an example we can see Federal Ethics report shows that in 2012 Election, Republican presidential runners spent $ 1.3 Billion and Democratic runners $ 1.2 Billion. The total cost of presidential and congressional elections being almost 6.5 Billion dollars is unethical. While The People Party of Connecticut has spent total of $313 dollars. Certainly, the ability to envision results and knowledge of the methods involved Ethics are among those things that depend on the capacity for rational inquiry and Justice. If this capacity is fully developed, then our democracy will turn out in the pure civilization, the benefit of the outcome is domestic tranquility. Politics
is not business it is The trust that belongs to the people for ethical reasons.
The Ethics : Title 1, chap 10 of G Statutes have been one major issue since it creation by the republican and The democratic ideologies shall be upgraded in favor of democracy. The People Party appellate court case we argued for open Government policies and Connecticut Citizens Election Program (CEP) shall serve equally not just selected members of two major parties is a violations of Ethics and National Democratic Institutions of Minorities.
The purpose of Ethics is to prevent that which disturbs order, disrupts the structure of society, banns individual interests, and detracts from public welfare. If laws do not serve this purpose, then they are but empty burdens thrown on the shoulders of the people. Indeed, we should see them as merely widening the sphere of corruption and increasing instances of injustice.
Written by Ajmal Mehdi
The People Party of Connecticut
511 Pine Street Bristol CT 06010
Democracy never advances unless it has the Pen of Moses that came to us by inheritance of a transparent law. Law explains that there are no fixtures in nature, its fluid and volatile basic customs. The law improves according to nature, step by step. The steps are our actions and new direction is power, sometimes results are threatened and judged by the people for the people. Yet that pure democracy, by which I mean as an example society consisting of diverse conscious citizens with all languages to improve Ethics..
Perhaps America from national, State and municipal with its all branches and departments are almost free from corruption due to the Ethics.
Connecticut ethical issue was to allow minor political parties to receive assistance from Citizens elections Program. As an example we can see Federal Ethics report shows that in 2012 Election, Republican presidential runners spent $ 1.3 Billion and Democratic runners $ 1.2 Billion. The total cost of presidential and congressional elections being almost 6.5 Billion dollars is unethical. While The People Party of Connecticut has spent total of $313 dollars. Certainly, the ability to envision results and knowledge of the methods involved Ethics are among those things that depend on the capacity for rational inquiry and Justice. If this capacity is fully developed, then our democracy will turn out in the pure civilization, the benefit of the outcome is domestic tranquility. Politics
is not business it is The trust that belongs to the people for ethical reasons.
The Ethics : Title 1, chap 10 of G Statutes have been one major issue since it creation by the republican and The democratic ideologies shall be upgraded in favor of democracy. The People Party appellate court case we argued for open Government policies and Connecticut Citizens Election Program (CEP) shall serve equally not just selected members of two major parties is a violations of Ethics and National Democratic Institutions of Minorities.
The purpose of Ethics is to prevent that which disturbs order, disrupts the structure of society, banns individual interests, and detracts from public welfare. If laws do not serve this purpose, then they are but empty burdens thrown on the shoulders of the people. Indeed, we should see them as merely widening the sphere of corruption and increasing instances of injustice.
Written by Ajmal Mehdi
The People Party of Connecticut
511 Pine Street Bristol CT 06010
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Laws Should Change Accordance to the Condation of nations
Laws Should Change in Accordance with the Time of 2016
The First Creator, God the Sublime, entrusted humanity with two powers, one practical and one theoretical, so that through them we might attain the perfection intended for humanity. Supreme Being also bound one of them to the other as human being by making the perfection of the first dependent on the perfection of the second. Humanity is thus innately disposed to seek out a theoretical understanding and to discover the true state of matters and before he begins any practical work, for he undertakes no task unless the results thereof induce him to do so. Now, not every activity produces the results desired indeed, in order to do so, it must be accomplished in a particular fashion. Certainly, the ability to envision results and knowledge of the methods involved in activities are among those things that depend on the capacity for rational inquiry. If this capacity is fully developed, then work turns out in the best fashion, the benefit that results is greater, and the outcome is more complete.
For this reason, all humans are bent on rounding out their theoretical knowledge, first and in particular so that through it they might be guided to the proper methods for the work they perform in order to lead a full life. They also do so in order to distinguish results according to their relative benefits, so that they might put each result opposite a particular task, arranged in a known manner, beginning with that which produces benefits most quickly, is accomplished most easily, and is set forth most reliably.
Human knowledge is in effect a collection of rules about useful benefits, by which people organize the methods of work, family, culture and habits that lead to those benefits, so that they will not stumble along their path and confuse the beneficial with the harmful, thus encountering hardship and suffering at the hands of misfortune.
Since the conditions of nations depend on their collective stores of information and knowledge, and the two are related in terms of cause and effect, each country adopts rules for its activities and chooses laws for its circumstances in accordance with its power of theoretical investigation and its level of thought. At no time does it contradict the customs and traditional values that its natural disposition has established, unless fortune provides it chance to ascend to a higher level of rational examination and a more elevated plane of thought.
Because laws are the basis of activities organized properly to produce manifest benefit, the results of theoretical inquiry, and the outcome of intellectual investigation, the laws of each sovereign country correspond to its level in understanding of knowledge and creator laws vary in accordance with nations 'varying levels of knowledge, or the lack thereof.
It is not permissible, to apply the law of one group of people to another group who differ in level of understanding, because the law will not suit their state of thinking and will not Latch their customs and traditional habits. Otherwise, order among the second group will be disturbed, their path toward good sense will be obscured, and the road to understanding will be closed before them the courant condition of many countries is lack of basic understanding of nature. They will consider the correct to be invalid and the right to be wrong. They will pervert the application of these laws, change 'them, and put others in their place, so that what is a cure for others will become a disease for them. This is because of short-sightedness on their part and ignorance of what these laws were intended to accomplish, what motivated them, and what made them necessary. Need is the guiding master, true leader and the first teacher. When people properly recognize need, they strive to fulfill it. They are restricted by it, and do not go against its dictates and prescriptions. If the institution of laws within a nation is motivated by its need for them, it will not contravene them simply because of circumstances. However, people who were not induced by need to institute such laws do not consider them among life's fundamental necessities. They are not to be blamed for discarding such laws, and demanding that they abide by such laws would impose an impossibly difficult obligation. It is more appropriate for them to learn first what the need is, so that they might be equal with others in their level of knowledge and united with them in the consequences of confusion.
It has been the custom of legislators in every age from time of Noah until today 2015, in instituting laws, to take into account the level of intelligence of those for whom laws are to be instituted, so that the people will not find them unclear, incomprehensible, or devoid of discernible purpose. A little reprimand suffices and the threat of a light punishment restrains many a group of people whose temperaments are readily compliant, whose spirits are noble, and whose senses are quick to be affected. Such people should have prescribed for them laws that suit their conditions. They should not be burdened with severe laws; for they will be harmed by these laws at the time ofLegislators have also customarily paid full attention to customs and traditional habits of people. In establishing laws, they do not deviate from the harshness or leniency that customs and traditional habits Nimrod, Pharaoh and Yezidis of Stone Age had, like recently someone who takes more than the proper dose of medicine as Mr. Bush and Mr. Barak Hussain Obama did.
For example, suppose that one of these people we have described did something that required punishment. If imprisonment, for him, troubles his temperament and severely pains his spirit, because of his pride and delicate sensibility, and if the spirits of his clan and the inhabitants of his town cannot bear that someone should say "So and so was imprisoned for such and such a crime, “Islam" the occurrence of such a thing to one of them would be a very great check against perpetrating the crime he committed. The sentencing of this criminal then to a more severe punishment, such as banishment, exile, or hard, humiliating labor, would be a clear injustice. It might cause his death soon thereafter, or produce long- lasting dejection and perennial rancor in the hearts of his folk and clan, due to their certainty that the ruling was wrong and the judge unjustly denied the Supreme Court Case 11-768 with the coordination from Hartford CHRO case and forced family to break a part and financial hardship for Mehdi. This would only lead, in the long run, to the fires of rebellion being lit and the heat of hatred flaming up among innocent victims of The Patriot Act. Either they would be destined to commit bad acts or else their spirits would be extinguished, their temperaments humiliated, and their pride utterly crushed. A miserable end indeed but thank God I didn't do any of these. Perhaps tried to change constitutional politics with minor political party The People Party until I was forced to closed business and file for Bankruptcy.
Many nations have raised its members on coarseness and the shunning of delicacy. Their insides are filled with vileness and baseness, and their spirits are far from honorable. Such people are only deterred from perpetrating offenses or restrained from the pursuit of immoral aims by harsh laws based on severe punishments. It is a clear mistake to sentence a guilty party from among such a group to imprisonment, for example, since his spirit considers even harsher punishments to be trifling. The purpose of instituting laws is to prevent that which disturbs order, disrupts the structure of society, banns individual interests, and detracts from public welfare. If laws do not serve this purpose, then they are but empty burdens thrown on the shoulders of the people. Indeed, we should see them as merely widening the sphere of corruption and increasing instances of injustice. Perhaps The Patriot Act is the clear violation of instituting law that forced me to give up my freedom and caused sickness and fear of Government.
As an example of what I have just stated, I may cite the former state of our own. Some time ago, Native Americans inhabitants were barbarians who did not know what was good for them, for ignorance had a tight bold on them in that era. They did not pay attention to agriculture, despite the availability of the necessary means for it and the suitability of the soil. Native Americans did not know the value of the land they owned. They continually wished that their properties would be transferred to someone else, so that they would not be burdened with paying the taxes that the government had imposed on them. They avoided tarrying in town long enough for the hands of the governors to grab them. Native Indians left and settled in other villages, fearing that they could not survive through farming and seeking better ways to accumulate wealth and fortune. The government was thus compelled to force villagers to take possession of the land and farm it, instituting harsh laws for violators, including provisions for severe punishment and slavery. When the time came for the government to demand the taxes, the prisons filled up with those left behind by the others who had fled their villages and the madcap for whips became brisk. .
It appeared that everyone had fled, been imprisoned, or ached from beatings. The country regularly withered and flourished at particular times of the year without variation. It continued in this sorry state for a long time, until the Abraham’s spirit amended the 13th amendment that became attached to work, and agriculture was made easy for them. Americans entered a new stage of development as a result of measures which made the methods of farming easier and got the populace to remain in their villages with families. They adopted a unified plan for the farming of their lands and were no longer overly concerned with government of color, because they had begun to learn the importance of agriculture, lacking it seriously and competing in their crop yields. So the laws that the government had adopted to prevent farmers from fleeing, neglecting to work the land, and defaulting on the submission of taxes changed to a certain extent. Then various oppressive hands had successive control over them for quite a long period, but they remained sealed in their properties. They grew tired of abuse, and their spirits longed for a just law by which the matter of their tax payments would be put in order. The hand of divine Providence brought to them, through the government of America someone who established lot them a just law concerning this issue. With this new amendments entered a new era, and the sound of the whip was removed from among its people of color.
The punishment for falling behind in the payment of taxes was changed so as not to debase an honor, and public welfare was regulated with Kennedy with just two years in office according to laws that do not go against the inclinations of the power, in a fashion different from that followed in earlier laws. This was a consequence of the difference between the two conditions and the change in the two inclinations, fonder and latter. If the punishment for falling in errors in earlier times had been seize of the owner's land, and then falling in errors would have been their dearest wish, so that they could be relieved of writing their names in the landowners' record. This recompense would have been a reward for them, in actuality, and not a punishment, but now banks and mortgages companies it has become the most severe punishment for land owner. The time has come for our government to turn its consideration to the Laws of our courts, to make the appropriate for present conditions, choosing laws that are not difficult to understand, whose texts do not suggest multiple confused options. The articles of the new Law should not be the sort of general rules whose verdicts are meant to apply to various punishments for many diverse crimes just because of color and creed. The American eagle cannot prevent the People themselves from serving as a pretext for those who harbor immoral designs to play with people's rights as they wish. We urge this while recognizing the fact that those who exercise control over the law do not have the status of legislators able to derive the rulings which apply to the actual situations at hand from general rules or from texts which support interpretations contrary to their evident meaning.
Moreover, those of us who have legitimate claims are not 'beyond entertaining invalid suspicions and conjectures. We might suspect someone who is innocent of error or treachery, while the actual articles of the law do not provide a clear ruling and their texts are not transparent. This leads to repeated appeals for judicial inquiry of Justice System. The matter takes a long time, the welfare of the people is obstructed, expenses increase, resentments grow strong, and the gates of corruption are flung wide open with in Christians of America, given an abundance of legal cases and disputes, as is the case in our land at present. It is therefore necessary that the articles of the law be written explicitly, indicate rulings in a straight forward manner, apply to all possible cases, be set forth in logical categories, and use simple linguistic constructions of freedom.
The laws that have been in common use in our land up to now in addition to being insufficient, too general, and written in an unclear style-are not precise and well organized, nor are they known by the people. Certain laws are known as "The Imperial Law," some laws are named "Regulations," some are called "Directives of the Justice department," some are called "Decisions of the Special Council," others "Proclamations of Legal Rulings," some 'The Royal Decree sued on such and such a date," and so on ad infinitum. How could this scattered mess reasonably serve as a law by which the people should abide? Even if they Senate and congress informed the public of the law, it would remain inconceivable to them, because it is foreign to their conditions and beyond their capacity to understand The Patriot Act which only violates Minorities of Islamic religions.
It is necessary to reform this obvious flaw in our legal system, which has deprived people of their rights and jeopardized security. It behooves us to do this quickly and avoid wasting time in pointless discussions. The laws must fulfill all of the necessary restrictions and conditions, and should refer us back to the "Proclamations" or to the "Regulations." This should facilitate the determination of legal rulings and make the law form with the exigencies of the present situation of The Patriot Act. The laws should suit the conditions of the time and their level of comprehension, enabling them to understand the laws and abide by their requirements, each one according to his own situation. Otherwise, they will be nothing but ink on paper with distraction of America and common sense.
Scholars and political leaders of both ancient and modem times have long recognized that legislators and institutors of laws must always take into account customs and traditional habits in order to establish laws in a just and beneficial manner. Indeed, the conditions of nations are themselves the true legislator, the wise, regulating guide. The governing power is actually dependent on the capacities of its subjects; the Citizen does not take a single step unless induced to do so . True, we do not deny that the preparation of means and measures depends on the governing power and its knowledge of languages. The government imposes these things on its subjects to control freedom, wise would translate The Book of Rabi to understand but these impositions must be in accordance with the capacity of those ruled. Changes in the form of government and the replacement of its laws depend on the citizenry's legitimate claims as mine against The Patriot Act and these are tantamount to the condition of the dualism.
The shift of the government of people, for example, from an absolute monarchy to a restricted monarchy of FBI with little democracy for the people of color, then to a free republic, did not occur by the will of those in authority alone. Rather, the strongest contributing factors were the conditions of the people, the increase in their level of thought, and their new awareness of the need to ascend to a state higher than their present one. By learning what their true obligations were, they were able to overcome all the outside forces that had stood between them and the attainment of their desires. Moreover, they only arrived at this noble goal after breaking through the obstacles that stood before them otherwise they could not have reached their goal or attained their desire of freedom that represent Human Fealty of 21st century. American Dualism needs to diversified from the two party system to Democracy which is not a business of just few but whole society by observing new minor political ideologies from Municipalities to State Level. The system that has been in common sued to discourage minorities and diversities to participate in local, state and federal level must change to improve democracy for human fealty.
Since the identification of the proper means and measures presents a difficult puzzle for human intelligence and discernment, it is extremely difficult to learn and acquire them in their essential forms. Some people including me always experience questions from ICE officers at the John F Kennedy or in the Middle Eastern immigration transit when returning from overseas visit why, where ,when and who to make you feel that you are seventh class Citizen of America. This thought often occurs to me that a certain color of people think themselves that they are a higher level of human beings in 21st century. In 2008 the higher level of human beings had imagined by putting Mr. Brake Hussain Obama in the White House to improve relation with minorities, so they end up regressing to a less desirable state just because a person doesn't fulfill gape of laws with his pigment a law must passed throw the house and the senate like civil right act of 1965 which is due to be updated. While they set out to make legislation and participation in the establishment of laws which free and open to all but Mehdi, they are not safe from the machinations of special interests, nor do they possess the means necessary to prepare them for such an under taking. The disease of discord spreads rapidly through their collective body unless some chapters of the civil rights laws are rewriting and invalidate The Patriot Act.
Written by Ajmal Mehdi
The People Party of Connecticut
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
America is supposed to rise up to live out the true meaning of “ Freedom” and of its creed for human fealty. The revolution of change that started in the middle of President Bushs term was to improve knowledge, not to divide Americans into groups of people. Since the Civil right acts of 1964, 65 our country has achieved racial knowledge by electing President Obama in the White House with the promise of change to control illegal use of State Power for human rights.
However what was promised wasn't accomplished from this Administration of the White House. The drumbeat has started for the next “ Princeps” by the special interest groups whose only mission is the Business of America. They make the same fake promises of improvement while American Middle class is vanished , the patriot Act still active, Guantanamo Bay Cuba still operates , the only achievement of last two Administration is that Adam and Steve can be husband and wife thus, God bless America.
It is only in human nature to make false promises while hungry for Mastership . The only Question very few true American are asking from Past, Present and future American Presidents is whether they played their true part in the matter of improvement , freedom , human rights, civil rights and human fealty? The accountability will remain a mystery as long as business as usual will continues until true change.
Written by
Ajmal Mehdi
The People Party of Connecticut
Americans Minorities Alliance
America is supposed to rise up to live out the true meaning of “ Freedom” and of its creed for human fealty. The revolution of change that started in the middle of President Bushs term was to improve knowledge, not to divide Americans into groups of people. Since the Civil right acts of 1964, 65 our country has achieved racial knowledge by electing President Obama in the White House with the promise of change to control illegal use of State Power for human rights.
However what was promised wasn't accomplished from this Administration of the White House. The drumbeat has started for the next “ Princeps” by the special interest groups whose only mission is the Business of America. They make the same fake promises of improvement while American Middle class is vanished , the patriot Act still active, Guantanamo Bay Cuba still operates , the only achievement of last two Administration is that Adam and Steve can be husband and wife thus, God bless America.
It is only in human nature to make false promises while hungry for Mastership . The only Question very few true American are asking from Past, Present and future American Presidents is whether they played their true part in the matter of improvement , freedom , human rights, civil rights and human fealty? The accountability will remain a mystery as long as business as usual will continues until true change.
Written by
Ajmal Mehdi
The People Party of Connecticut
Americans Minorities Alliance
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Fair Competition
Since 1776 it seems Republicans and Democrats are living in a fantasy Political system, they pre arrange elections without respecting the Constitution and federal, state and city charters. In 21st Century everyone is equal and there is no such thing as competition of ideologies as long as two parities rule continues. It is true doesn’t it since the founding fathers of American democracy. Well now it doesn’t work.
In order to advances the human civilizations fair competition helps grow people knowledge and laws enormously in a true democratic system. If there was no competition we Americans would have been living in Stone Age and would never landed on the moon. The competition becomes the national pride for people in order to grow but it must be fair and clean. 2012 Election the people party of Connecticut received 841 votes as an independent voter registrar and came on third position according to federal rules and hundreds of democratic city around the world whom populations in more than sixty thousand people.
As an Upright Americans we owe much of our advancement to mini competition and revolutions every now and then between ideologies, companies, nations, technology as well as system of democracy and Human fealty.
This is competition of ideas and technology that brought us to a new high and President Obama in the White House.
Our political structure and system needs an honest competition with trust and we the members of The People Party and myself challenges The Republicans and Democratic leadership to give us opportunity to challenge there ideological principle by respecting 2012 Election outcome in which People Party won a seat in the voter registrar office to organize for next Competition.
Written by the People Party of Connecticut
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Illegal Forestry
Illegal Forestry
Environmental NGOs have played an important part in raising healthy future and political awareness of the issue, and they continue to be important actors in monitoring, detecting, and analysis of illegal forestry activities, associated illegal trade, and other forest crimes. Industry has also been increasingly vocal about the need to combat illegal logging and to ensure sustainable practices are undertaken. The problem is a far-reaching one, with negative consequences such as environmental degradation, disrupted trade and market access, unsustainable economic development, and revenue for the state and local communities.
Illegal forestry in Bristol Connecticut is common Practice last 20 Years I have planted hundreds of trees all around Pine Lake and Malone Ponds area and in many other countries when visited such India, Pakistan, Iran , Afghanistan , Iraq, Saudi Arab, London, Ireland . The City of Avon in Connecticut has the best policy in regards to cut down trees. activities encompass illegal logging, associated illegal trade, and other forest crimes. The willingness of governments and international organizations to address this issue in international policy forums reflects a promising emergence from years past when sensitivity over political and sovereignty concerns muffled discussions. Our family started the Tradition of Christmas Tree for Environmental reasons awareness of important of nature . As evidenced by the Bali Ministerial Declaration on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance recently signed by several Asian governments, policy dialogue has shifted toward improving governance, transparency, monitoring, and suppression of illegal activity.
However, combating illegal forestry activities is complex; challenges include unclear land tenure, lack of capacity to enforce legal bounds of contracts/permits, lack of local law enforcement, weak judicial systems, corruption, and weak independent auditing and investigation of company declarations. There is a growing global acknowledgement that stemming the detrimental environmental and economic effects of illegal forestry activities requires significant additional action and common sense . America has freedom it doesn't mean any one can take down trees and forest just because they don,t believe in Human Faith. Americans laws needed to be upgraded I regards to getting permits to cut down trees according to 21st Century. One set of law for all towns , cities and counties . Humanity is stuck in pressure of gravity and have notice Systematic discrimination and jealousy because of Human Faith. Aa a member of international organizations such as World Minorities Alliance we are dedicating resources to tackling this issue seriously : the World Bank, IMF, UN and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), and others have strong policies . In the U.S. , the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development are lacking Against Illegal Logging. Several non-governmental organizations are active internationally and in countries to promote information collection, transparency, and capacity-building. In addition to being engaged in policy discussions, Forest International Programs is involved in technical cooperation efforts in many countries . The list of nations were we have members who are very active about health future and forest preservation for future Generation.
Afghanistan Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues.
Antigua and Barbuda
Argentina Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues.
Australia Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues.
Bahamas, The Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues.
Bangladesh Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
Bhutan Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brazil Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues.
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
Chile Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues.
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Republic of the
Costa Rica Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues.
Cote d'Ivoire
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
East Timor (see Timor-Leste)
Egypt Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
Gambia, The
Ghana Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
Top of Page
Holy See
Hong Kong
India Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
Indonesia Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
Iran Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
Iraq Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
Ireland Very Active member
Israel Very Active member for green future
Korea, North
Korea, South Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
Kuwait Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
Lebanon Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
Marshall Islands
Nepal Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand
North Korea
Pakistan Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
Palestinian Territories
Papua New Guinea
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Sint Maarten
Solomon Islands
South Africa Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
South Korea
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago
United Arab Emirates Very Active to improve forest governance and laws for Environmental issues and new educational activities regarding green future.
United Kingdom Active member
United States Active to improve forest laws but lack basic education about Green Future and importance of balance.
American Minorities Alliance appreciate Very Active members to improve forest laws and governance for Environmental issues and human fealty.
Sent from The People Party
The People Party is a Minor Political party in the Constitution State of Connecticut for domestic tranquility for common Americans and healthy Future.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Supreme Court Writ of Certiorari
Supplemental Brief
The patriot Act
I hope the Supreme Court of the United States judges and justice system can understand the links in the chain of religious discriminationand the Patriot Act, which resulted from the past Republicans and this administration.
These democratic defendants and respondents Mr. Eric Holder Attorney General, Mrs. Hilary R. Clinton, Mr. Robert Mueller, Ms.Janet Napolitano, Mr. Richard Skinner, Mr. Alejandro Mayorkas, Ms. Margo Schlanger. Defendants are powerful government employees and supposed to improve human rights, justice and freedom not injustice.
Now imagine this group which represents the nation’s Justice, Image, safety, security, immigration, civil rights and Human Rights seizes the power by making The Solicitor General of The United States Mr. Donald B. Verrilli, JR. to file for the Waiver in the matter of Ajmal Mehdi V. Defendants Docket 11-768. Thus
Waiver from justice?
Government agencies such as these know the rule of law is written in all states and in the United States Constitution. The measure is designed to close loophole in state and federal rules.
A common Misconception among United State Citizens, lawmakers, consumers, attorneys and Oversee visitors is that the Government, State, State Employees, State Judges, Kings, Dictators and Religious leader are Immune from Justice by Waivers or Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity.
As we see in the Clerical sexual abuse problemsis an individual problem not whole Christianity, church or all faiths. Thus money played vital (Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity) role in justice system by reducing punishment because of polytheistic society.
Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity or Waiver in Human Faith / Human Fealty does not bar any human being regardless his/her rank and power but “Efficient Cause” because lack of jurisdiction over Wisdom, Heavenly Light of knowledge as Human Faith/ Human Fealty is a Monotheistic Faith.
However Supreme Court of the United States nine judges know that the divine affirmations of Human Faith / Human Fealty are playing an important role by explaining and exploring Justice and freedom all over the world for moral values and family values since our forefather Abraham said that knowledge begins through true investigation of religious discrimination.
Response from The Solicitor General of the United States Mr. Donald B. Verrilli, JR. would save the minorities specially those who are like us but with (Human Faith) which is not written on the face.
Waiving the right would be strange for the majority to legislate laws particularly in the light of their own welfare to neglect the welfare of the minority and to fulfill their own desire in a manner unjust.
The painful and emotionally stressful condition for me is that the American democracy and freedom does not understand religious discrimination is here. People cannot be happy under a rule or system where spiritual and moral values are in danger. Knowledge is the only source toward establishing a basic philosophy of Human faith/ Human fealty.
Objection on the waiver would also save the minority’s religious belief and defend them against the chain of Religious discriminationand the Patriot Act by the powerful government employees or individuals’ defendants.
I do apologize to be very critical to express my views when suffering from psychological pressure by signing the Patriot Act just because of my name and origin.
I do appreciate our system of freedom which is protected by First Amendment to express my suffering.
However Supreme Court of the United States judges knew it is right of all humankind not to sacrifice any of their Freedom of right as long as it is not necessary for Plaintiff to choose between the patriot Act or freedom.
I am living continuously under threat that my(Family) being judged on every move we make someone is watching us and every breath we take someone listening us worry about slightest mistake. Fear is stealing away our happiness and family life in the chain of slavery.
The claims made in the letter on January 17, 2012 that government hereby waives its right to file a response for injustice to the Supreme Court of the United States judges. Thus
Mr. James Madison Bill of Right is open example by reading the Religious Act H.R 2679, The Patriot Act and “Terry Shivo V. State” which are contributing pain in my life like other steps in the chain of Religious discrimination by privileged members like Mr. Eric Holder Attorney General, Mrs. Hilary R. Clinton, Mr. Robert Mueller, Ms.Janet Napolitano, Mr. Richard Skinner, Mr. Alejandro Mayorkas, Ms. MargoSchlanger and The Solicitor General of The United States Mr. Donald B. Verrilli, JR.
The Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity Does Not Bar a Suit for Mandamus Sovereign immunity is no defense to an action for mandamus. Sovereign immunity has never been considered a bar to mandamus actions seeking to compel public officials to perform the duties imposed upon them in their official capacities with proper knowledge. Haneke v. Secretary of HEW, 535 F2c. 1291, 1296 n. 14 (D. C. Cir. 1976); Anselmo v. King, 902 F. Supp. 273, 277 (D. D. C. 1995); Bowen v. Massachusetts, 487 U. S. 879, 899, 109 S. Ct. 2722, 2734- 2735, 101 L. Ed. 2d. 749 (1988); Moosup Trucking Co., Inc. v. John A. MacDonald State Highway Commissioner,5 Conn. Sup. 114, 117 (1937)
The rule that the government can waive its right from response in its own courts does not apply to an action of mandamus brought to compel a public officer to perform public duties see, Cox v. Aiken,
Supreme Court of the United States judges knows that they have special jurisdiction over defendants under violation of the Patriot Act.
Our First Amendment was based on keeping Church away from State and state away from civil right and religious discrimination. Act ( H. R . 2679 ) was approved on September 7, 2006 and Passedthe House by 244 to 173 in my Constitution State and supported by many government employees who were politically appointed or union members.
Only few true Americans thought about First Amendment and religious discrimination including I Ajmal Mehdi by reading the H. R. 2679 and signing the patriot Act in my Constitution Stateof Connecticut. Request of response from the Solicitor General would help true American stop Religious discrimination and end the patriot Actand save our Freedom.
It is time for justice system to make defendants and respondents Mr. Eric Holder Attorney General, Mrs. Hilary R. Clinton, Mr. Robert Mueller, Ms.Janet Napolitano, Mr. Richard Skinner, Mr. Alejandro Mayorkas, Ms. MargoSchlanger and The Solicitor General of The United States Mr. Donald B. Verrilli, realize by Objecting the Waiver that we all have trust in GOD and have faith in humanity, freedom, peace and justice.
How could a human being aspire to freedom in any field when he is deprived of the freedom of his life and family just because of his faith?
However Supreme Court of the United Statesjudges knows that our democracy overflows with freedom in which we educate our self not give up hope at the time when the Patriot Act is the “Imminent threat” to our freedom, Religion and Speech.
I hope the Supreme Court of the United States judge and justice system will help U.S Congresslegislate new law to protect our First Amendment Right and remind The Solicitor General of The United States Mr. Donald B. Verrilli, JR. once again that the knowledge begins through true investigation of tragedy not by protecting each other and defendants.
The only power that can waives and has“Sovereign Immunity and Lack of jurisdiction is the “Efficient Cause” the initial petition thatI wrote for a writ of certiorari No. 11-768 was that Government religious discrimination policy made me feel that I am living in a prison camp of the United states.
Mr. Eric Holder Attorney General, Mrs. Hilary R.Clinton, Mr. Robert Mueller, Ms.Janet Napolitano, Mr. Richard Skinner, Mr. Alejandro Mayorkas, Ms. Margo Schlanger and The Solicitor General of The United States Mr. Donald B. Verrilli, JR. press have forgotten that this nation was introduced by the “Efficient Cause” for religious freedom to upgrade human values and health. “Efficient Cause” is the power which is beyond the limits of matter and time.
I hope Supreme Court of the United States judge understands the issue very simple way of saying this,
We take a tree house. The tree house is just a material part and made of wood it cannot exist without a matter of wood. It is clear that the material (wood) cause is not the real cause which is responsible of making it. The real maker of this tree house is someone other than matter.
The Carpenter who made the tree house and philosophy give the carpenter the name “Efficient Cause” My main purpose is to show the United States Primary matter is “Material Cause” and its real maker “Efficient Cause” .The phenomena of “Elements” is the efficient cause of life.
The Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity Does Bar “Efficient Cause” and exempt it from common approach due to lack of understanding (jurisdiction) of heavenly light (Knowledge) but “Elements (Human Beings)“ are not exempt.
The Solicitor General of The United States Mr. Donald B. Verrilli, JR. may not have jurisdiction over defendants due to conflict of interest or Lack of knowledge because both parties believe in waivers, but Supreme Court of the United States nine judges have jurisdiction based on 1st amendment, 13th amendment to the United States constitution.
I hope the Supreme Court of the United States judge and justice system should not wait for that day once again when Big Brothers, Buddies and powerful government officials, Army officers, some are elected and some aren’t andget way with crime based on Sovereign Immunity, Lack of jurisdiction and Waivers. Such As Hitler Vs. Humanity, Mussolini Vs. Humanity, Oil Vs. Humanity, Patriot Act vs. Humanity and religious Act vs. Humanity.
The chain of tragedy is that our justice system is stuck in the loops of limited knowledge based on Sovereign Immunity, Lack of jurisdiction and Waivers.
Human faith/ Human fealty weren’t part of American history until now when I am struggling various kind of dictatorship in which laws are monopolized for political and religious reason to protect discriminators.
However this court knows that the law of the land doesn’t states that the powerful government officials are the “Efficient Cause” of the United States of America.
The individuals who are acting behalf of United States are responsible to be just with proper knowledge of all religion even Human faith/ human Fealty.
Based on the Waiver in the matter of Ajmal Mehdi V. Defendants Docket 11-768.The outcome of dispute concerning who did what in the democracy in which the supreme power is held by the people and used by few individuals for their personal interest by arresting, harassing in the name of the patriot act.
The First Amendment the Bill of Right is the most magnificent piece of legislation in Human history is based on unlimited confidence in the individual to engage in political, economic and religious freedom.
I do appreciate Great American Philosophers whom uncover the secrets of diversity in this piece of legislation. The only problem is when someone uneducated like me who was born in Multan Pakistan tries to prove Human faith/ Human Fealty is religion of God (Rab) it is called “motion to dismiss” & “Lack of jurisdiction ” ,“Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity “ & “ Waiver ”.
I must point out to the judge that I am not racial at all this is the reality of chain which started by singing The Patriot Act and reading the religious Act and now facing the Waiverwhich make me feel that I’m living in the prison camp of the United states of America.
Unconstitutional Acts were authorized in the country which contributed pain in my life The “Imminent threat” to our Constitution and freedom from illegal use of state power.
Human Rights are the inherent dignity and the foundation of fair trade, freedom, justice and peace only for privileged member of American Society. They have set a new standard of humanity in which no one has the right to fair trade, peace in life, liberty of color and security of harassment from the Justice system unless you sign the patriot Act.
Any person can be held in slavery or servitude and can be subject to torture, cruel and inhumane treatment without justice is not philosophically based on democracy or humanity.
Any person can be held in slavery or servitude and can be subject to torture, cruel and inhumane treatment without justice is not philosophically based on democracy or humanity.
Freedom was the birth right of all living things just before creation of an organization call department of homeland security.
Fair trade is the business in which a person travels regularly without thinking of culture, color, country and faith.
The new policy of fair trade is an organized system which promotes standards for atheist democrats and republicans who make the policies in areas related to the production of private and brand goods such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, sex toys, playboy, hustler and problems to keep innocent American citizen busy in vicious circle.
The system focuses in particular on exports good paying jobs from America to other countries and keeping cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and sex services based economy which is against moral and family values and Human faith/Human Fealty.
Now imagine this group which represents the nation’s Justice, Image, safety, security, immigration, civil rights and Human Rights are in struggle to please and protect each other instead they should be struggling to find correct diagnosis of the illness which is truth, honesty, religious freedom and Fair mainstream media.
America should be run by educated knowledgeable people or an Independent Association based on human fealty ensures the free flow of any report in a true democratic Society for justice. Justice is the ideal, morally correct state of things and persons. It is the social, political movements of humanity for injustice.
Mr. Eric Holder Attorney General, Mrs. Hilary R.Clinton, Mr. Robert Mueller, Ms.Janet Napolitano, Mr. Richard Skinner, Mr. Alejandro Mayorkas, Ms. Margo Schlanger and The Solicitor General of The United States Mr. Donald B. Verrilli, JR. are not exempt from religious discrimination and the patriot Act.
1. Defendants are serving United Sate Citizen.
2. Defendants are living in the United State.
3. Defendants are not “Efficient Cause”.
4. Defendants have lack of knowledge of Human Faith/Human Fealty religion organization.
5. Defendants work in the United States.
6. Defendants have lack of interest in justice, religious freedom and disabling the patriot Act.
7. Defendants have violated the First Amendment of the United States Constitution: Freedom of religion for all people.
The doctrine of Human nature is very clear that exploiting religion in an ugly way no matter which religion is that is wrong and nonsense.
The American justice system is consider to be the world leader in the knowledge through investigation, studies and discoveries in all major fields except understanding Human Faith, which is a religion of God (Rab) of humanity (Rabi). The definition of humanity (Rabi) in our faith is the quality of being humane and respectful for life.
The Divine Affirmations of human faith are the Commandment of God (Rab) of Humanity (Rabi). The crime against the Divine Affirmations is blasphemy and great disrespect for our God (Rab) of humanity (Rabi). Human Faith is heavenly light of knowledge restriction on sacred light is eclipse on humanity and blasphemy.
Human faith is a religion of Abrahamic and Mehdi‘s monotheistic faith and knows that God (Rab) is the creator and overseer of the universe at all the time and all matters. Rabi has many meaning in our tongue such as tongue of Multan Pakistan. The waves of fresh air with small particles full of Wisdom and oxygen of (Rabi) are in the air it is just matter of time when they touch the brain to change the heart.
The justice system can understand these individuals not only violating our First Amendment Right in the shadow of the patriot Act by using state power, press and state resources they are also violating the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Divine Affirmations and our trust and 28 U.S.C.2403 (a)and 28 U.S.C.451 as defined by the United States constitution.
All of these comments regarding social Justice, religious discrimination and the patriot Act concluded that the condition is very emotional and stressful for many innocent American Citizens who not speck, read, write and understand English language. The act of congress is drawn into question for the patriot Act. The Solicitor General of the United States Mr. Donald B. Verrilli, JR failed to fulfill their constitutional obligation to provide its entire Citizenry including Mr. Ajmal Mehdi with substantially Equal Rights.
Based on the foregoing, plaintiff respectfully requests that the Supreme Court deny the Waiver and ask for response regarding Religious discrimination and the patriot act.
Thank you Ajmal Mehdi/
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