Tuesday, November 24, 2015


The Ethics

Democracy never advances unless it has the Pen of Moses that came to us by inheritance of a transparent law. Law explains that there are no fixtures in nature, its fluid and volatile basic customs. The law improves according to nature, step by step. The steps are our actions and new direction is power, sometimes results are threatened and judged by the people for the people. Yet that pure democracy, by which I mean as an example society consisting of diverse conscious citizens with all languages to improve Ethics..

Perhaps America from national, State and municipal with its all branches and departments are almost free from corruption due to the Ethics.

Connecticut ethical issue was to allow minor political parties to receive assistance from Citizens elections Program. As an example we can see Federal Ethics report shows that in 2012 Election, Republican presidential runners spent $ 1.3 Billion and Democratic runners $ 1.2 Billion. The total cost of presidential and congressional elections being almost 6.5 Billion dollars is unethical. While  The People Party of Connecticut has spent total of $313 dollars. Certainly, the ability to envision results and knowledge of the methods involved Ethics are among those things that depend on the capacity for rational inquiry and Justice. If this capacity is fully developed, then our democracy will turn out in the pure civilization, the benefit of the outcome is domestic  tranquility. Politics
is not business it is The trust that belongs to the people for ethical reasons.

The Ethics : Title 1, chap 10 of G Statutes have been one major issue since it creation by the republican and The democratic ideologies shall be upgraded in favor of democracy.   The People Party appellate court case we argued for open Government policies and Connecticut Citizens Election Program (CEP) shall serve equally not just selected members of two major parties is a violations of Ethics and National Democratic Institutions of Minorities.

The purpose of Ethics is to prevent that which disturbs order, disrupts the structure of society, banns individual interests, and detracts from public welfare. If laws do not serve this purpose, then they are but empty burdens thrown on the shoulders of the people. Indeed, we should see them as merely widening the sphere of corruption and increasing instances of injustice.

Written by Ajmal Mehdi
The People Party of Connecticut
511 Pine Street Bristol CT 06010

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