Poverty and Global Justice
Perhaps billions are suffering due to the absolute deprivation of just basic needs, while the distance between richest and poorest dramatically increased. A disparity that far exceeds country by country as well as here in America. Much credit is given to China and India where millions have been brought out of poverty in last 12 Years. As an uneducated unemployed American with many experiences of poverty, struggles and hardships...it makes you think of the facts. Justice is a global concern but with proper justification of What is justice ?
According to my understanding and in human fealty it's not a political, social order of an ideal city, state of privileged society. To me it is the ideal, morally correct state of all things and matters not just for few perhaps every one equally. The richest 20 % of people account for 90 % of consumption while the poorest 20 % account for 1 % and 12 % of humanity is responsible for 88 % of human resources such as water, oil and best diet. The labyrinth political ideologies of wealthiest 20 % with the current world leadership on many nations is responsible of medical ethics, lack of women leadership , distributions of wealth as well as burden of diseases by following current International political system of democracy. Education crisis is one of the reason due to disparities between countries and within then in terms of freedom, women,wealth and health based on culture, languages and extreme religion differences.
My personal experience by traveling in poor areas lack of work is one of the major reason higher heart diseases, strokes, cancers and mental illness are severe because high numbers of people consume cigarette, chewing tobacco,drugs and alcohol to hide from problems of poverty. On other hand 20 % rich enough papulation is facing heart daises, Alzheimer's , dementia, diabetes with long life because advancement of medicines. Extreme difference like these affect human fealty , productivity and burden of disease. Since buying power of the poor is very low, chances of business for profit would not invest for treatments for disease that burden nations from A to Z about 69 countries including in America. I have two prescription in Stop and Shop pharmacy of Forestville to be picked up even with insurance I cannot afford them until next month due to cost.
IMF and World bank reports show that burden to each region from A to Z will not be able to develop mechanisms without help from rich donors nations, UN as well as United States. By observing WHO articles and struggle I notice HIV, AIDS, STD,s , malaria, tuberculosis and seasonal fevers killing millions of people in these regions.
United Nation is a political organization with over 190 members countries with the mission of peace, cooperation, health, development, human rights, education, extremism can only achieve its gole with right leadership without any special interest
and minimum revenue of 100 billion yearly to provide countries basic support. WHO is devoted to the international health, research and monitoring depending on major donors as well as doctors without boundaries who could do better by opening small clinics with pharmacies in 190 member countries from rich 20 % to the poor 80 % communities will help produce healthcare worker and control price gouging of medicine as well as propriety rights issue within each region affordability according to basic medicine.
International bill of rights were written for all human beings with the idea of International court of Justice, The De Justice. domestic and global issues were limited to the each city and state until formation of United Nation in 1945 in New Hampshire United States. Perhaps the mission was global rules of sovereign boundaries and identities which are morally important as long as these identities are not based on extreme luxuries V. extreme poverty, immemorial , based on Summum Bonum ( foundation of morality ) In 2015 almost 1.3 billion people are living in absolute poverty just about $ 1.22 a day or even less in countries like Haiti, Somalia, Pakistan, India, China, Congo, Afghanistan, Kenya, and Liberia. While top leadership of religions, human rights groups and political powers live in palaces to penthouses. International obligations to those who are poor or in absolute poverty need very different approach and theory in 21st century.
The circle of 20 % political power globally is fail to distribute wealth equally even here in the United States.Last October my mother passed away and now feeding a family of 4 is extremely difficult , I. am writing this experience not for sympathy from any because I believe and thank God I am lot better then those who are just living in $ 1.22 cent per day in human fealty it is a moral duty to assist the absolutely poor not by converting them into a group of Ideologies by taking advantage of one condition is a Sin according to human fealty.
Since many Democracies do not have any obligations particularly those of the richest countries for many of the extreme poor due to state welfare system could provide direct help that would decrease gap. One of the world report from veterinary service data indicates the richest of 20 % human paulation spend an average of $ 3.90 cent per day on 1.7 billion pets while some human being suffer just for basic food and medicine breaks my heart. Global injustice lies behind many judgements like them the victims of this economic order of 21st century has been imposed upon poorest people mainly by rich countries, private business and landlords whom bargaining power allows them to shape international agreements in favor of their own families, economic and geopolitical interests.
During 80s and 90s thousands of structural progress by many rich countries within political and business circle with partnership of governments under many different names made many people worse off one of them was Brooklyn NY project is an example and Bristol CT down town project with same roots. While thousand of these luxurious units sit empty in hope of foreigners would move in. In fact, human faith basic humanitarian duty is to rescue, VE RI TAS and providing assistance to others when we can do it without mush burden to ourselves. In the book of Rabi I have written about justifications I just wrote in English do not apply to them who thinks they are above humanity. Thus, Someone may wonder why am so passionate to end poverty because I have seen this virus which is worst then many like greed, sexism, extremism and racism.
This globe is in the eyes of supreme being in not bigger then a human genome. Then why not uplift poor who live on our lonely planet. Some strong statists argue that this poverty is business of city or state in democratic system they are certainly right as long as city or state can afford it. According to my knowledge, 69 countries are running basic economy on IMF loans and world bank credit. Poverty is a disability and according to our law in America the Americans with disabilities act requires a reasonable accommodation made to assist needs of persons with disabilities. Example Supreme Court case 11-768 I argue that in public buildings , courthouse, libraries , and millions of public places curb breaks, ramps are indicating that few of us use wheelchairs, cans as well as hands to uplift humanity. It's my habit to interview most vulnerable people such a prisoners, older, children, women and those who are decisional impaired about the view of life just because heavenly light live through us.
Medical companies are busy in clinical research on 80 % vulnerable poor off shored for the resources to cure 5 % is one of the major topic through the eyes of global justice and off course exploitation take places in less developed countries. A serious need of a honest change with checks and balances from city mayors to all the way top of each political ideology is universal creed. The world forum on democracy in Warsaw claimed that " the will of the people is the reason of State while out of 100 countries only 43 percent of them represent true freedom. National Democratic Institute knows well that 10 % privileged members of each country bribe their way into offices with rubber stamp of human rights becoming increasing dysfunction. With my experience of 2012 Election I learn that the secret of good policy lay in checks and balances as well as good leadership like one come out from Jack Kennedy and Dr. King struggle for domestic tranquility that introduce EBT and EEO.
Once a richest man in Babylon, Moshe's asked Abraham what is true wealth ?
Abraham replied a good kind heart who feed hungry and poor is richer then you Moshe's devoted 99 % of his wealth to charity work and lived to be 124 years.
Written By Ajmal Mehdi
The People party of Connecticut
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