Tuesday, May 27, 2014


The Environment The People parties main concern for the future are environmental issues and health concerns that will arise. We should never forget that we are a part of nature. The 12 plates of rocks underneath our earth that rotate slowly take in and excrete energy. The first layer of the earth, humus, comes from the fossils fuels from trees, animals and cemeteries that have been around for thousands of years. The satellites in the atmosphere have gotten to be so much that they are just left in space affecting the ozone layer. The satellites, the large number of them, cover and block out the suns rays in some areas. In the 21st century, in our language we believe that without humus we would not be able to produce much food to serve humanity. The People Party members and myself sincerely believe that we need to upgrade our energy conception system for each household in the United States so we never lose power. The combustion engines need to be upgraded to save energy and environmental crisis. Road structures and the paving systems should be renovated utilizing magnetic technology that will help produce energy for tires for transportation. We have the knowledge to reduce the energy crisis if given the opportunity to upgrade our lifestyle. Sincerely, Ajmal Mehdi The People Party www.thepeopleparty.info

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