Monday, May 21, 2012

People Party for Honesty

People Party for Honesty People party had a special meeting on the toptic of honesty in bristol. We have recently learned that the city wants to shut down the Manross Memorial Library, which we feel is wrong.Many of the members of the People Party belong to Human Fealty, and believe that libraries ares sacred places. Library's provide the public with usefull books and materials. Another place the city has succeeded in shutting down is the or trying to is the post office in Forestville, which can be a very useful form of income for the city since city officials are always complaining about the city budget. Clearly they do not know the proper way to run these businesses, so instead they close them. 13 members gathered to sign a petition against the democrats and republicans who are destroying this nation on the name of patriotism. People Party Ajmal Mehdi 860.582.2226

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