Wednesday, March 18, 2009

थे Rain

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The रैन

Abu Bin Adam was a young child in Multan Pakistan, it was Friday the month of March in 1977, the heavenly light told Abu,“ the first rain on the Vernal Equinox will be the rain of Holy water and drinking of that water will purify the human body . The city of Cure was burning with heat and dust from the Sun rays until noon then God (Rab) started the gusty wind and within few hours rain of holy water was pouring down from the skies . The smell of dust was giving taste of haven and I prayed to my God and said (Subhan na rabi al ahla) Jame Alome (Drink of Knowledge) was pouring down from the skies which I collected in a small bucket and drank . It is the rain that started life on earth millions of years ago on the dry land . It is the day when gravity hit the earth and movement of time and the round holy dance of nature started for the garden of Adam. Ritual of SADQA “donation” ( Giving to Poor and throwing food for ocean life, Birds and animals and planting seeds and flowers started many years ago in Human Faith of Mehdi .
Blessing on humanity (Rabi) from Mehdi and Adam the father and the son with Holy Spirit!

It is true that the phenomena of life is stuck in the pressure of gravity which is losing pressure due to temperature change .The phenomena of gravity is distributing equal weight on ocean waters and mass of gases surrounding a shallow body of cultivating system of nature. It is the pressure that divide water and gases equally that makes the shape of earth looks round and colorful. The knots of mountains are holding our piece of solid mineral deposits can reshape it self due to pressure change. It is just matter of time when new island will emerge from water and old go under. The root cause that is affecting mother nature and reproduction system of earth worm and bacteria is humanity was never enforced by selfish ancient and modern civilizations . The personal propriety that we bring on this earth is the nature and the root of that nature is humanity .The human faith pro life agenda for all creatures is humanity. The painful condition that is destroying cultivating system is not understanding connection that the basic human knowledge starts with nature. The fusion reactor of the sun has the same system of reproducing energy the way we do on earth the only difference is this earth is losing natural resources too fast due to ignorant modern merchants of life .
Human faith is Mehdi’s and Adam’s monotheistic faith and knows that God is the creator and overseer of the universe at all the time and all matters. It is time to modernize our faith by adopting true faith and educate mankind in accordance with basic principle of life. Our vision is to introduce true human religion by mobilizing communities and faiths around the world to improve people’s lives .Our mission is to strength the bond of humanity (Rabi) by introducing human faith religion.
Rabi has many meaning in our language।1. Rabi is Book of Human Faith.2. Rabi is brain.3. Rabi is humanity.4. Rabi is our tongue.

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