21-Century फरावह्स
We believe it is time for the United State and the United Nation to Act in the light of Untouchable (pariah) minority welfare by not neglecting the welfare of those who are Black, Brown and Dust colored. The social tragedies that resulted from this new system of skin based discrimination and spying by assuming Muslim of Indian, Pakistan and Arabs should be the center point of our discussion. The allusion that was created by the world news media to spy on all dust Colored people for power and to convert them into Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism , Jainism and Hinduism is the same old story that is still told in many part of the world. What life would you expect for the human faith of Adam under such pressure in which some laws are legislated to preserve special interest for the 21-century Pharaohs. By signing patriot act we are engaged in a constant struggle and a continuous fight to prove that we are patriotic human being for humanity. The question is who is next India, Iran, Israel, Pakistan, Korea or China and what the name will be ” War on Population “or ” War on Poor”. It is time to declare America with IMF, World bank and with the United Nation the creators ( Materiel Gods ) and overseer of the universe, to win next war. The spiritual force that made America great nation and many ancient civilizations before us was the element of love . We believe that it is time to understand philosophy of pharonistic nature of privileged members of power who used America by assuming white shark in the fresh water against humanity. The pain that is contributing in my chain of tragedy is that, The bill of Right is changed with bill of fear by few who used U. S Constitution for imaginary wealth and power. The garden of Adam is not materialistic piece of land. Thus , The battle will continue with no weapons other then my personal power with only one purposes that one day we will understand connection in between spiritual and materialistic view of life.
We believe that one day God will bless wisdom of love to those who are unconscious of realty .The festival of life can be celebrated with wisdom of human faith knowledge once we realize that we are part of the human race. It advocates spiritual and moral principles on very high scales for the longest term in human history. Human faith is Abraham’s monotheistic faith and know that God is the creator and overseer of the universe at all the time and all Illusions. It is time to modernize our faith by adopting true faith and educate mankind in accordance with International principle of life and they are nine affirmation of human faith.
IN GOD WE TRUST WE HAVE FAITH IN HUMANITY.http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php
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